Barbara Sue Favors - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Barbara Sue Favors
Родился вOklahoma
83 years
Sherryl Mellott McGuire
Aunt Barbie, You will be missed! We love you. We wish peace, joy and love for you. You are a wonderful aunt. Sherryl
to: Barbara Sue Favors
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Kathleen Kaseman Barbara so glad God brought you into our lives April 8, 2014
Dear Barbara,
Oh we have so many memories about the years you worked for us. Our family grew up with you and our grandkyds. We had so many laughs. One birthday we made a cake for you with all your funny sayings. I noticed someone else mentioned them. You were always happy and cheerful.
Thank you for dedicating your life to God to help ministries spread the Good News around the World. You went to Minsk Belarus for us to help open our Russian office and distribute Brother Kenneth E. Hagin's books to that part of the World. Heaven will tell how many lives were affected by your service to the King.
I love you Barbara, our family of AFCM loves you and our children and grandchildren love you.
We will see you soon.
Jim and Kathleen Kaseman and AFCM around the World.
Gene Whitaker Senior Audio Editor at Rhema Bible Church April 7, 2014
In the early 1980's as audio editor for Kenneth Hagin Ministries I not only got the opportunity to meet Mrs. Favors, but also got the opportunity to work with her. Her wealth of knowledge was a tremendous, and she helped me greatly! She was very professional, and amazingly helpful, and encouraging! I will never forget Mrs. Barbara Favors, and I know our conversations are not over because I will see her in Heaven! I'm sure she is busy there making sure everything gets done correctly. Roberta Roberts Potts in her book "My DAD, Oral Roberts," made mention of Mrs. Favors along with others who helped her father in the evangelistic association. I thought that was very special for Mrs. Potts to share about Mrs. Favors. She will not be forgotten.

Gene Whitaker 
Lisa Gregg Hilley Mrs. Favors--Truly A Gift! April 7, 2014
It is with mixed emotions that I sit here remembering Mrs. Favors, the wonderful person she was here on earth and what an impact she has had on my life. I still call her Mrs. Favors because I met her when I was just barely 18 years old. I was a young, naive girl from South Carolina wanting to go to Bible school. I had heard through a mutual friend that Mrs. Favors was renting out a room in her house for female Bible school students so I contacted her and there began our relationship which was much more than a landlord/tennant one but more like mother/daughter. She took me into her house, under her wing and welcomed me as a member of her family.

She was SO much fun to be around!! We would hang out snacking on popcorn and watching movies, do projects around her house, go on trips. One time we even went on one of those trips where you could stay in a resort if you listened to their sales pitch. She was always up for an adventure.

I know there were times when she could have been so aggravated with me but she never showed it...not once! If there was something she had to talk to me about regarding my room or something I was doing wrong she would tell me in the most loving way. Even the time I chopped off the door handle of her door from the garage to the house because I accidentally locked myself out. She just laughed it off and it stayed that way I know until I moved out..not sure if it was ever fixed. I always felt bad about that.

I will never forget the critters that we would periodically see at her house because she lived so far out in the country. Tarantulas, possums, snakes, scorpions, mice...which reminds me of the time we were sitting down watching tv in the den when she whispered to me, "Did you see that?" I whispered back, "What?!" and she said she thought she saw a mouse. My instructions were to stand at the hallway to prevent it (turned out to be THEM) from going into the other part of the house. She took a broom and tried to run them out of their hiding place under the couch. Boy, when they came running out she started whacking them with the broom. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen!! We had a big laugh over that!! She was FEARLESS!

Mrs. Favors was the most giving person. She would loan me money and help me come up with a payment plan that I could manage. She even lent me her gas card one time for a trip back home but I couldn't bring myself to use it. She was a 2nd mom, a friend, a mentor, a confidant. She gave me a 2nd home, a 2nd family, a SISTER...Teresa!! We had so much fun going out to eat and doing fun things together! AND going on that God-ordained trip to Acapulco!!! What an adventure!!

FUNNY! She had the funniest sayings:
"Well, I just thought I would faint and fall in it!"
"It had me standing on my sixteenth eyelash!"
There are many more that I can't remember at the moment but she was the COOLEST person to be around!

I will never forget Mrs. Favors. She was one of THE greatest people to ever walk this earth and now she is walking with her Savior...and having the time of her life!

THANK YOU, Mrs. Favors!! I love you dearly and you will be missed!!

Lisa Flanagain Friend April 5, 2014
Oh how I loved and admired Barbara!  What an absolute honor and blessing it was to know her!  I feel so privileged!  I've never met another person like her - she was larger than life in heart and personality.  And I loved watching her lead such an adventurous life.  She was always such an inspiration to me.  Her fabulous laugh was contagious and I can hear it now!  This is a description of what she looked like the first time I met her...big hair that was gorgeous, blue eye shadow that looked perfect on her, a long mink coat, and gold shoes.  I'll never forget it.  And I love the memories I have of her making a huge batch of tabouleh in a big yellow tupperware bowl...we would snack on that all weekend.  And then there was the hot chocolate she would serve me.  I could go on and on.  I cherish each memory I have of my precious, dear, sweet friend.  And I'm so thankful to the Lord for the gift of her friendship.  
Jayne Sleeter Friend April 5, 2014
I am truly blessed to have known Barbara. She was one of a kind. I have only wonderful memories of our 20+ years of knowing her. She was a true friend.

I always saw her as a Godly woman who loved God with all her heart. She was such an example of walking with her Jesus. She was a servant and served so many powerful men of God in her lifetime. Her rewards are great in Heaven. I am sure there was a huge reunion. 

I will miss her sense of humor very much. I have never known anyone who could come up with a quick funny comment like she did. Always a good laugh.

My prayers are with you, Theresa and Terry and the family. She will be missed.

Much love,
Jayne Sleeter 
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